Guardianship Resources
Center for Guardianship Excellence – Nationwide Leader in Guardianship Research, as well as training and support programs for both professional guardians and family guardians.
Massachusetts Guardianship Association – Working to unite professionals and families to ensure that every person’s dignity is respected and voice is heard through education, fostering connections, and elevating the standards of guardianship.
Massachusetts Guardianship Policy Institute – The Institute’s mission is to inspire policy change and social justice for isolated adults with unmet decisional support needs in Massachusetts.
National Guardianship Association – NGA seeks to protect adults under guardianship by ensuring that their guardians receive quality education and access to resources.
Public Guardian Services (PGS) – PGS is a pilot project in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Probate and Family Court, providing guardianship and conservatorship services to Massachusetts residents in Suffolk and Plymouth Counties, serving as a guardian, conservator, or other fiduciary of last resort for those who are decisionally impaired and who have no other suitable person available to assist.
Legal Resources
Mass Chapter of National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (Mass NAELA) – Members of Mass NAELA are attorneys who are experienced and trained in working with the legal problems of older Americans and individuals of all ages with disabilities.
Greater Boston Legal Services – Providing critical legal advice and representation to low-income individuals.
Northeast Justice Center – Northeast Justice Center (NJC) is a subsidiary of Northeast Legal Aid (NLA). Together, these programs provide free civil legal services to low income and elderly residents of Essex County and Northern Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
Advance Health Care Directives: Living Wills & Health Care Proxies – Learn the importance of these having a Living Will and Health Care Proxy in place BEFORE you need them!
5 Wishes form – It’s more than just a document. Five Wishes is a complete approach to discussing and documenting your care and comfort choices. It’s about connecting families, communicating with healthcare providers, and showing your community what it means to care for one another.
Home Care and Assisted Living
Massachusetts Assisted Living Association (Mass-ALA) – The Massachusetts Assisted Living Association (Mass-ALA) is a not-for-profit association, dedicated to professionally operated assisted living residences in Massachusetts that provide housing and services for individuals with varied needs and income levels.
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) – The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) helps individuals with disabilities to live and work independently. MRC is responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Living and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal benefits programs. Care Compare – Find & compare nursing homes, hospitals & other providers near you.
Aging & Disability Resources
AARP – AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age.
Age Friendly Massachusetts – Creating an environment in which older adults can continue to lead healthy and productive lives in Massachusetts.
Age Strong Commission, Boston – The mission of Age Strong Boston is to enhance your life with meaningful programs, resources, and connections so we can live and age strong in Boston together.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Explore & download Medicare provider data.
Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts – The Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts is a non-profit trade association of home care agencies that promotes home care as an integral part of the health care delivery system.
Massachusetts Aging Service Access Points (ASAP) Information – ASAP’s are private non-profit agencies with governing boards that serve and represent 51% of people age 60 and older. ASAPs provide direct and protective services including information and referral, interdisciplinary case management, Intake and assessment, Development and implementation of service plans, monitoring of service plans, reassessment of needs and investigations of abuse and neglect of elders.
Massachusetts Councils on Aging – Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) is a nonprofit, membership association of the 350 municipal councils on aging and senior centers.
MassOptions – MassOptions connects elders, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with agencies and organizations that can best meet their needs.
Social Security Benefit Verification Letter – Get an income verification letter or benefit verification letter from Social Security. Just log in to my Social Security to get instant access to your benefit verification letter.
Mass Ride Match – A one-stop searchable directory of public, private and accessible transportation options in Massachusetts.
The RIDE – The RIDE paratransit service provides door-to-door, shared-ride transportation to eligible people who can’t use the subway, bus, or trolley all or some of the time due to temporary or permanent disability.
Disability Resources and Training
Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC) – Massachusetts Advocates for Children is a nonprofit children’s advocacy organization in downtown Boston. MAC works with students, families, communities, and at the policy level to remove barriers to education for children across Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Development Disabilities Council
The Arc of Massachusetts – Offering advocacy for community supports and services that foster social inclusion, self-determination, and equity across all aspects of society for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.